2015 JESC Reviews – Bulgaria – Gabriela Yordanova & Ivan Stoyanov – Colour of Hope

Last year, Bulgaria returned to the contest with the most fabulous singer, Krisia, and it earned them 2nd place, and the eventual right to host the contest this year. Has Bulgaria somehow topped their returning entry?

After reviewing Russia, I was excited to move onto bigger and better things but after listening to Colour of Hope, sung by Gabriela Yordanova and Ivan Stoyanov, it almost feels like a continuation of the same song. It’s just so old fashioned – a huge backward step from Planet of the Children, which was a modern, well executed ballad.

The song will receive huge support from the home crowd, which may pump it up a bit, but Bulgaria won’t be receiving another 2nd place, or 1st place, I’m almost certain. It’s one of those songs that goes for less than 3 minutes, but feels like a lot longer because it’s just that slow.

I really enjoyed their entry from 2011, Superhero, and then again last year, so I feel the bar was set high when I was considering Colour of Hope. I do commend Ivan and Gabriela though, as their vocals on the recorded version are pleasant, but I’m interested to see how this does on stage on the night.

Overall, this is in the same boat as Russia for me (read my review for Russia here), and I’m not sure if I prefer one over the other, so I’m also going to give this a 4/10.